What about me!

Full Stack Software Engineer

You can call me Frank. My journey began in 2001, when I typed my first lines of code, and then I went on to study for my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Sciences, where I discovered that creating software is much more than just writing code. I've developed software in languages such as JavaScript, PHP, Java, SQL, Kotlin and others. Oh, and I'm also really good at Photoshop!









We know this ain't true, but sound cool.

Anyway keep reading to and I'll tell you more...

My Journey So Far

I was admitted to the School of Computer Sciences at the Technological University of Panama when I was 18 years old and a recent high school graduate, and although I had already taken my first steps in programming in high school, I had no idea what awaited me. I recognized that my skills were programming logic, comprehending the problem, and finding a solution, but I also discovered that no matter how great your logic is, a carelessly placed semicolon in the code may cause you to suffer LOL.


My first chance - 2008

My first work opportunity was at the same university where I was studying, in the Graphic Design department, where I discovered my passion for graphic art as a developer, essentially programming art. Then I've had a variety of different experiences as a Software Engineer and even a Database Administrator, which you could learn about in my resume.


The Adventure in China - 2012

I received a call from the Chinese Embassy in 2012, while working as a Software Engineer at Creative Asylum, informing me that I had been offered a full scholarship to complete my master's degree in China. It was one of the most difficult decisions I've ever made to leave my own country to take on this task, but it was the correct one.


Days of Management - 2014

After returning from China, I worked as a Product Tester for Huawei Panama. I had no idea that just two months later, I would be assigned to the Marketing department. I led a team of over 20 people, and we gave it our all to successfully position the Huawei brand on the map with a better reputation.


Back to China - 2016

In 2016, I was offered the opportunity to return to China as a professor of Software Engineering. I had previously lived in China as a student and was now returning to pass on what I had learned. It was an extremely fulfilling experience, especially when I heard about my students achievements.


Career, Life and Goals - 2023

In January 2023, I decided to rethink my career path and resign as a professor at the University in China. 'What do you want to do with your life?' I asked myself. 'In 20 years, where do you want to be?' The response was simple: I want to be able to look back on the projects I've worked on and be proud of them. Teaching is extremely satisfying, but I also feel a bit of envy when I see my students achieve incredible things, and I want to be a part of that as well.

My Personal Interests

Despite the fact that my interests include Software Engineering, Programming, Data Science, Graphic Design, Photography, and Videography, I'm going to share with you about myself on a more personal level, well, not that deep!

Contact Me!

It's always is a good time to contact me!

There are several tactics to contact me, including email at frankmndez@outlook.com or social media via the buttons in the home section and footer of this page.

However, since you're here, why not send me that message using this contact form, which I built myself, and see just how well it works!

There is a 100% chance I'm gonna read and respond your message.